Happy April Fools day, everyone! I have re-started work on Glyphr Studio v2, which is exciting (and no joke ). But, I also continue to fix bugs for v1… and I will for a while. Here is a quick summary of the bug fixes from the past few releases:
- Fixed a bug where projects with Ligatures experienced an “Off by 1” or “Off by 2” error, where character sequences were being replaced with the wrong Ligature.
- Disallowed the creation and exporting of Ligatures with source sequences of one character.
- Now support positive integers being separated / designated by ‘+’ signs in path data.
- Ignore namespaced attributes with ‘:’ in the name to allow for importing SVG code snippets that would otherwise throw ‘prefix not bound to a namespace’ errors.
- Generating SVG for a glyph that contained Component Instances, fixed a bug where the position of the Component Instance would (sometimes) not include the correct Left Side Bearing.
- Fixed a handful of related bugs around deleting Components, Component Instances, and Ligatures… and making sure all the linked and related glyphs knew about these changes and were, in turn, updated appropriately.
- Fixed an error in the Modegg example project.