Happy New Year! We fixed some bugs.

Hi all – happy new year (I can still technically say that since it’s January). It’s been a whole year since we flipped the switch and made Glyphr Studio v2 the primary experience. We’ve shipped 27 releases since then, including 5 with new features. I want to thank everyone who has helped make Glyphr Studio better over the years, especially during our v1/v2 transition!

Since we are a year in having v2 be the primary experience, some additional steps were taken to have v1 fade into the background. We will always keep v1 running at glyphrstudio.com/v1 – but it will not get any new features or bug fixes. In order to encourage folks to switch to v2, in the new year we removed the old ‘online’ url that was hosting the v1 editor. Since then we’ve seen an increase in the v2 ‘app’ page utilization… which is good! Even though you may have liked v1, it would be bad if some major bug was discovered and then not fixed.

Along with all of these new v2 users, we saw an uptick in feedback. Overall, folks are very eager to have their problems fixed, and engaging with you all to make Glyphr Studio better is something we enjoy very much as well. We just shipped v2.5.4 and v2.5.5 which were two sets of bug fixes directly related to these user conversations.

Again, thank you to everyone who works with us to make improvements. Please feel free to post here, or mail us directly at mail@glyphrstudio.com

Here are some quick breakdowns of the past two releases:


New features

New features in a patch release? Yeah, these are bug fixes, but big enough to also be called new functionality.

  • SVG Import now supports SVG files that contain the <use> tag.
  • Characters that are Surrogate Pairs are now supported. JavaScript uses UTF-16 to encode its strings. Some Unicode Code Points are so big they need two bytes to represent one Unicode Code Point. This only affects Code Points between 0x10000 and 0x10FFFF – most people don’t use this range, but some Emojis are here, plus a private use area. This fix / new functionality impacted Importing and Exporting Projects, OTF, and SVG Fonts. It also impacted Live Preview, Context Characters, Ligatures, and Kerning.

Bug fixes

  • Projects that started with an OTF import can now perform Global Actions and utilize Components.
  • Fixed a bug where the bounding box was being calculated incorrectly.
  • SVG Import now correctly converts path tags that use HhVv commands, and also m commands across compound shapes that use z.


Bug fixes

  • Accurately import falsy project metadata values (like zero or empty string) and not fall back to default values.
  • OTF import/export now accurately handles the Italic Angle property.
  • OTF import now reads the Weight Class property.
  • Import progress bar and counter now accurately reflect current item and item total.

Quality improvements

  • Ligatures are now sorted better. They are first sorted by length (longer sequences first). Then, they are sorted by Unicode Code Point number. Previously they were sorted by JavaScript’s “Locale Compare” function… but this was resulting in an unpredictable sort order.