Category: Release

  • The first minor update to Version 1 is here!  Now, if you have the pointer / shape edit tool selected, holding down the ctrl key while clicking shapes will enable you to multiselect those shapes.  After that, you can move, re-size, or take actions on that set of shapes.

  • 🎉 Hooray! We are very pleased to announce that Glyphr Studio Version 1 has just been released!

  • Found some annoying bugs in Beta 5.1, so we turned around a quick 5.2 release.

  • We had tons of feedback on Beta 5! For Beta 5.1 we revamped the canvas editing experience with some new custom cursors, and a new “Add Path Point” pen tool.  

  • Beta 5 is ready for action!  Thank you everyone who submitted feedback and comments.  We are well on our way to a full ‘v1’ release, hopefully Beta 5 will rock your socks off until then!

  • It’s been 4 months in the works, but a lot of great new features have been added to our little project. Glyphr Studio is still young, but it’s getting better with your help.

  • The latest-and-greatest version of Glyphr Studio has arrived: Beta 3.  Glyphr Studio can be downloaded from the homepage at  Here is a rundown of some of the new features.