V2 Beta 2.0 is here, with Kerning, Global Actions, Context Characters, Combine Shapes, and a rockin’ new Live Preview experience.
Version one-dot-thirteen-dot-twenty just shipped, with two bug fixes, including the Import Compound Shapes bug!
Yes, we’re still making updates to Version 1. For v1.13.19 we fixed a few bugs, and also added a few minor features.
In GSv1 the SVG import process is a source of many bugs. As we dove into this, we realized we needed a dedicated SVG to Bézier library that was stand-alone and easier to test.
This is the place to get any and all information about Glyphr Studio v2 Beta-1! Learn about Ligatures, Components, and more!
A small collection of updates and bug fixes were just shipped in v1.13.17
Glyphr Studio version 2 keeps rolling – this time with an Alpha-2 release! This time we’re featuring Importing and Exporting files, along with Live Preview.
Even though Version 2 is taking up most of the bandwidth, some small updates to Version 1 were just shipped. Dot-14 saw some new analytics functionality. Dot-15 had some bigger bug fixes…