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Keyboard shortcuts

Most of the Keyboard Shortcuts in Glyphr Studio are focused on pages where you edit glyphs - namely Characters, Ligatures, and Components.

Project actions

Key combinationDescription
Ctrl SSave a Glyphr Studio Project File (.gs2)
Ctrl EExport an OTF Font (.otf)
Ctrl GExport an SVG Font (.svg)
Ctrl GExport an SVG Font (.svg)
Ctrl OOpen a project in a new tab

Selecting and navigating

Key combinationDescription
Ctrl .Navigate to the next Item (Character, Ligature, Component, or Kern Group)
Ctrl ,Navigate to the previous Item (Character, Ligature, Component, or Kern Group)
Ctrl AResize (Arrow) tool: Select all shapes
Ctrl APath Edit (Pen) tool: Select all path points
Ctrl Shift AClear all shape and path point selections
]Select next shape
Shift ]Add the next shape to the selection (multi-select)
[Select previous shape
Shift [Add the previous shape to the selection (multi-select)
Ctrl Click a shape[Resize (Arrow) Tool] Toggle selection for that shape (multi-select)
Either on the edit canvas, or the layers panel
Ctrl Select the next Path Point
Ctrl Shift Add the next Path Point to the selection (multi-select)
Ctrl Select the previous Path Point
Ctrl Shift Add the previous Path Point to the selection (multi-select)
Ctrl Click a path point[Path Edit (Pen) Tool] Toggle selection for that path point (multi-select)


Key combinationDescription
Space or Scroll wheel clickToggle the pan tool
Ctrl Scroll wheelZoom in and out
Ctrl +Zoom in
Ctrl -Zoom out
Ctrl 0Auto-fit glyph on the screen
Ctrl SpaceToggle distraction free preview mode


Key combinationDescription
Ctrl CCopy the selected shapes
Ctrl VPaste the selected shapes (Glyphr Studio Clipboard)
Paste to import copied SVG Code (Operating System Clipboard)
Ctrl ]Move shape up
Ctrl [Move shape down
Ctrl Shift ]Move shape to the top
Ctrl Shift [Move shape to the bottom
Delete or BackspaceDelete the selected shapes or path points
Nudge the selected shape or path point 1em
Press Shift to nudge 10em
Ctrl RRound values for the current selection
(Whole Shapes for the Resize tool, Path Points + Handles for the Path Edit tool)
Shift Click[New Path Tool] Snap the new point's coordinates to whole numbers
Shift Click[Path Add Point Tool] Snap the new point's coordinates to whole numbers
Ctrl Click[Path Add Point Tool] Add the new point as a corner point with hidden handles
Shift Shape Rotation handle[Shape Rotate Handle] Snap rotation degrees to whole numbers
EscClose all dialogs


Key combinationDescription
B or PSelect the Path Edit (Pen) tool
V or ASelect the Resize (Arrow) tool
M or RSelect the New Rectangle tool
O or QSelect the New Oval tool
H or WSelect the New Path tool
U or ESelect the Path Add Point tool